Notes diverses du CHRIS (christy4be’s diary)

It is a memorandum of CHRIS. (C'est un mémorandum du CHRIS.)

「EXTRA」@2021.08.01 ー "We Are Hong Kong!" From Hong Kong is Booing to CHINA! -Youtube 

「EXTRA」@2021.08.01 ー "We Are Hong Kong!" From Hong Kong is Booing to CHINA! -Youtube - ASAHI SHINBUN JAPAN


Hello Everyone!

This is a Extra Blog. 

I have some Olympic Game News is nearly Reliese less.

But, This time got a Big & Ignore one.

We should to watch this. And Thought oneself!



(2021.07.27 ASAHI SHINBUN NEWS JAPAN) 「We are Hong Kong」 香港市民が五輪表彰式の中国国歌にブーイング - YouTube


Have a Good Day!

Thank you.
